When a customer has a complaint, where do they turn? In a bricks and
mortar store it’s normally straight back to the counter or to a
designated customer service till. If that’s not possible, a customer can
telephone a company’s customer care line, where staff are trained in
the art of customer response handling.
Large global corporate companies often invest heavily in their
customer response handling as this is the point where a customer could
be lost forever. Small to mid-sized companies might not have the
financial resources to dedicate to customer response handling and so
there is added pressure to get it right first time.
So how can fulfilment companies help?
An experienced fulfilment house can offer a whole heap of different services, but arguably one of the best is having an in-house customer response handling team at your disposal. These teams are versatile, with experience handling complaints and queries, as well as collecting and distributing promotional material, customer data retrieval and logging.Deciding to outsource your customer response handling to a fulfilment company isn’t always easy – on the one hand, to outsource would take a load off your mind and free up valuable time, while on the other you may feel that you’re losing that all important direct contact with your customers.
But when a customer calls to complain about a product it’s more often than not an issue directly relating to the condition the goods arrived in. Sometimes this will be a fault that occurred during the manufacturing process; other times it will be because of a mistake that happened during the pick and pack or distribution stage, and who better to deal with a complaint than the people who made it in the first place?
Finally, letting your fulfilment company take on your telephone customer response handling also provides your customers with greater flexibility. Most customers can only call outside of typical 9-5 work hours, or during busy lunch periods. So when a fulfilment house promises telephone response handling up to 8pm, 7 days a week, it can settle the situation and smooth out any issues before they cost you a valued customer.